FAQs About Our Company
Is Shanghai Industries Group, Ltd. a government-run organization?
No. Shanghai Industries Group, Ltd. is a privately owned company.
Can I purchase Shanghai Industries Group stock? Is Shanghai Industries Group listed
on any public stock exchange?
No. Shanghai Industries Group is a privately-owned company.
Does SIG have the ability to serve as a JIT supply
vendor in the USA?
Yes. SIG provides storage, distribution and final assembly services in facilities
located in Northern Illinois and Western Wisconsin.
Does SIG import, market and distribute products
manufactured in other countries for the Chinese market?
Yes. SIG's business permits allow the company to export, import, and do business
domestically alike.
FAQs About Our Products
How does SIG test for lead in the products you manufacture?
SIG tests all of the products we manufacture addressing all aspects of consumer
safety in the company's own testing laboratories. SIG products regularly undergo
extensive testing in unbiased independent labs as well. Test results are furnished
to customers upon request.
How can I order a product catalog?
Contact our
corporate office or
Send us an Inquiry. An SIG representative will provide you with materials
and resources specific to your needs.
FAQs About Our Website
Does SIG have more than one website?
Yes. In addition to our corporate website, you can also find SIG companies on the
web by visiting our
Product Divisions page.
Do you have a question you would like to bring
up with us?
Send us question using our General Inquiry Form and we'll provide the answer right away.
Have a question you
can't find an answer to?
Send us an Inquiry.
Genuine value creates volume:
In 2008 alone, SIG sold over 10,000 shipping containers filled with
quality SIG products.
Genuine value translates to customer satisfaction
and repeat business:
Over 70% of business volume at SIG serves customers who have consistently done business
with SIG for over 5 years.
SIG delivers genuine value!